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Collegium Law Firm is a leading law firm in Zakarpatska region, which has been the largest law firm in the region for the last fifteen years. The company was founded in 1997 and today comprises 18 talented young professionals.
The company provides a wide range of services in representing businesses and individuals in courts of all jurisdictions, ensures legal support for business activity in all business areas, both in Ukraine and abroad.
During its existence the company has gained significant experience in legal practice and has a reputation as a reliable and professional partner.
In our practice we aim to enhance business standards of the legal services market, as well as to promote formation and improving of legal environment for the business development in Ukraine. For this purpose, we actively cooperate with government agencies, community organizations and business associations, national and international specialized unions.
We believe that there is no room for complacency; therefore, we are constantly improving ourselves to keep the high quality level of legal services we provide.
We appreciate our customers, who have trusted us for years in resolving legal issues of any complexity. That’s why the fundamental principle of our firm is «No win – no fee».



The history of Collegium Law Firm dates back to 1997, when three young lawyers inspired by attorney Rostyslav Pazyna decided to come together and to bring to life a common desire to provide legal assistance and to practice law within a single association. A year after the association named Collegium Attorneys Club was formed and provided achievements and experience as a basis for the establishment of Collegim Law Firm afterwards.
From the very beginning the team of lawyers and attorneys increased steadily, the principles of working improved, as well as the scopes and areas of practice expanded. Arbitration managers soon joined the team, and in 2001 the team started the practice of solvency renewal and support of bankruptcy and liquidation procedures. In addition to that, during this period different bank projects were successfully implemented (consulting banks and providing services to them, conducting complex banking cases, as well as out-of-court settlement of banking disputes), therefore, this area has become one of the main areas where lawyers have gained a high level of skills and great experience.
As time passed, due to dynamic development of entrepreneurship the economy of the country changed drastically, which inevitably caused disputes with tax authorities, and resulted in the necessity to provide legal services in the field of consumer protection and unfair competition. In 2008, the practice of tax law grew up to 5 qualified lawyers who successfully defended the interests of leading companies, small and medium-sized businesses during inspections held by the tax authorities, as well as in courts of all instances in cases related to tax debt recovery. At the same time lawyers successfully combated takeovers aimed at attacking of the largest companies in Zakarpattya, as well as at illegal redistribution of property.
In 2010 the company was awarded a certificate and a medal «Industry Leader 2010» in the main activity «Advocacy» by the National Business Rating in Ukraine, which are awarded to companies for significant contribution to the industry and economy of Ukraine as a whole, as well as for the maintaining of high standards of social protection of employees, introducing of advanced technologies and creating of the image of Ukraine as a legal economically developed state.
In 2014 Collegium Law Firm successfully passed the international external audit of quality management system and received the international quality certificate ISO 9001: 2008 in the area of legal and consulting services, which has become an additional recognition and affirmation of the quality of services that the company provide to its Clients.
Today the company boasts to have 24 employees on its staff-list and is a leading law firm in Zakarpatska region, remaining the largest firm of such kind in the region for the last fifteen years. Our company lawyers are the members of Ukrainian National Bar Association, Ukrainian Association of Specialists on Solvency Renewal and Bankruptcy, Ukrainian Public Organization «System Solutions» and other nationwide associations, International Association of Rotary Clubs; our lawyers head Zakarpattya Department of Ukrainian Association of Lawyers, Zakarpattya Regional Organization of All-Ukrainian Public Organization «National Professional Union of Arbitration Managers», and they also are the members of different chief executive bodies of other professional associations in Zakarpatska region.
In addition to that, the company vigorously takes part in activities held by public councils in Zakarpattya Regional State Administration, Uzhgorod City Council, the Main Department of the State Fiscal Service in Zakarpatska region and other councils; the company is also a constant participant of international forums, business meetings, seminars, charity events and other activities organized by the legal community in Ukraine and abroad.
Due to long and successful experience of dealing with cases, high corporate culture and acquired skills, our lawyers confidently confirm the status of Collegium Law firm as a regional leader and its reputation as a reliable partner, who is able to meet the challenges of a wide range of complexity in different areas of practice, which inevitably ensures trust and confidence in a positive result.



During its existence Collegium Law Firm has become a regional leader in law practice and at the same time the largest Zakarrpatya association of lawyers in the legal market. Because of this, we provide to our Clients a comprehensive solution to all current legal issues. Due to the large number of experts Collegium Law Firm helps the Client to prepare the most ambitious and most complex business projects.
Collegium Law Firm experts have deep knowledge of the regional market both within the region and beyond, so that our Clients no longer have to work simultaneously with many lawyers and law firms, or, alternatively, to keep their own state legal advisors.
We provide legal services based on professionalism, confidentiality, prudence and moderate pricing. Our special principle: «No win – no fee» and flexible financial policy makes even the most demanding Client satisfied.
Considering an exceptional geography of Zakarapatska region, we pay special attention to assisting foreign Clients who are doing business in Ukraine or are willing to do it.. Collegium Law Firm helps its Clients understand the nuances of Ukrainian laws to avoid legal pitfalls. We offer a full range of services to foreign companies.
In March 2014 the Collegium Law Firm has successfully passed the external audit of international quality management system and received the international quality certificate ISO 9001: 2008 in the area of ​​legal and consulting services.
Collegium Law Firm boasts to have a different individual approach to each Client. A long-term favorable cooperation with Clients has made it possible for the Firm to have not only formal, friendly, but also partnership relations.
We keep in touch with many public and local authorities, which allows us to quickly and efficiently ensure the Clients’ interests, the protection of which they have entrusted to us.
In our work we use modern information technologies to provide Clients with professional advice 24/7 regardless of where the Client is now.
In addition to legal services, our team provides also consulting, audit and accounting services as well as asset management services. The Clients cooperating with us consider our firm to be not only a legal expert, but also their trusted financial advisor.




Маркусь Михайло Іванович

Господарське, цивільне право та судовий захист

т.: (0312) 61-91-22


Пазина Ростислав Олексійович

Корпоративне право, цінні папери та M&A

т.: (0312) 61-91-22,



Pazyna Rostyslav Alexeyevich

Mentor of practice:

– due diligence and supporting energy and natural resources projects
– tax law and administrative justice
– intellectual property and private international law
– contesting proceedings and solvency renewal


t.: (0312) 61-40-44,


Contact us

Ukraine, 88018, Zakarpats’ka oblast’,
Uzhhorod, L.Tolstoho str., 10 B
Phone : +38 (050) 501 29 70; +38 (050) 338 45 63